Video: Warhol Photo Exhibition (1987)

I recorded this footage on January 6, 1987 during the opening of Andy Warhol's photo exhibition held at the Robert Miller Gallery, then located at 41 East Sixth Street, New York, NY. In the beginning of the video, he autographs a 1961 copy of Amy Vanderbilt's Complete Cookbook for which he had done the illustrations prior to becoming well known for his pop art creations. Later in the video he autographs my friend's face and then adds marks to a small photo of Henry Geldzahler. Also in the video, Warhol uses his camera to shoot photos and others take photographs of him. There are interesting moments when camera flashes go off illuminating high contrast, still frames. Tragically, Warhol died 47 days later on February 22, 1987. This video may be among the last of him to have been recorded in public.
Video by Nicholas Maravell